Hello EVERYONE, and welcome to “My Beloved” Women’s Ministry! My name is Kelly Green, and I am the manager and run merch for the band Behold The Beloved. I am extremely excited and blessed to be able to officially launch My Beloved! My goal in all of this is to help build up a community of women and provide tools and opportunities that we can strengthen our relationship with Christ together.
Our Facebook page will act as our main HUB for all things “My Beloved”. Everything happening within this ministry will be talked about and advertised here. So please make sure you click the link below, hit that like and follow button so you don’t miss out on anything, and share it with your girlfriends. What you will find directly on this page will be news and announcements pertaining to My Beloved. We will also provide monthly scripture meditations and weekly challenging and encouraging posts.
There will be plenty to keep your eye out for here at My Beloved. Again I can’t stress enough to like and follow the page!
1) We will have a Private prayer Facebook group. This group will be used as a safe place for women to ask for prayer about anything and know that someone will be standing in the gap and praying for them. Again this will be a safe, private place and NO BOYS ALLOWED! I wholeheartedly believe in the power of prayer and who better to pray for you then fellow women in Christ! We are here to do life together, to be there for one another, and it starts with praying for each other.
2) We have virtual book studies both in the Spring and Fall. I truly love these! These are weekly book studies where you will read the chapter or 2 assigned and return every week to meet on Zoom and discuss what you’ve learned. This is a great way to learn from one another as God speaks to each one of us differently. Every week we will get to grow together as we go through the book. My favorite part is the fellowship we get to do when we finish the study. A Women’s Retreat always follows the study. So if your able to make it, make sure you sign up for both the study and the retreat. This is a great way to go further than a virtual meeting and talk to each other in person. We will do an overview, relax, have fun, and eat……obviously!
Anyway this is just the beginning, and I pray that all of you really dive deep and use the tools provided to get the most out of this ministry. I have had the privilege already in meeting some of you and getting to know you. I have seen potential leaders and world changers. I have also met those of you who are just hungry and seeking for more of God. Get ready for life change!

Watch the video below to learn more about My Beloved
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7